Smith Island is located to the north of Partridge Bank, and can produce halibut in the 180- to 200-foot flat spots. This area is very exposed to weather.
Location: 48°19.087 x 122°50.535

Fish the sand flat in the bay, in 120 to 240 feet of water.
Location: N48°10′ x W123°35′.

Best fished on a flat tide. The edges of the bank produce best in the 200- to 230-foot range.
Location: 48°16.930 x 122°58.210.

Located just behind Protection Island. Best fishing here is on the edges of the bank, in 150 to 200 feet of water.
Location: 48°08.739 x 122°56.035

The 31 -36 Hole is located 6 miles northwest of Ediz Hook. Best depths in this area are from 220 to 300 feet of water.

Fish the area between the Hoko and Sekiu river mouths . The flat area from 140 to 240 feet out front is generally the best producer.
Location: 48°18.495 x 124 °22.753

Hein Bank consistently a top producer for halibut. Best halibut fishing is on the southern edge of the bank in 100 to 250 feet of water.
Location: 48°20.715 x 123°03.069

One of the most popular close-in areas out of Neah Bay, the Garbage Dump located just to the west of Neah Bay. You can normally see the tribal dump burning up on the hill, making it easy to find. Work the 300-to 325-foot water here.
Location: 48°25.125 x 124°40.528